Abigail Williams Accused Elizabeth Proctor

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Not only does Abigail Williams accuse the town of Salem to be full of witches, but also accuses Elizabeth Proctor of being a witch. Abigail has everyone in fear of being accused of witchcraft since she has the power over the town of Salem. For instance, Abigail accuses Elizabeth of being a witch: “She wants me dead. I knew all week it would come to this!...and what of tomorrow? She will cry me out until they take me!” (Miller 1274). It did not surprise Elizabeth that Abigail accused her of being a witch after Elizabeth fired her seven months prier for committing adultery with her husband John. Abigail will go to any extent to have John Proctor to her self. Abigail rules Elizabeth as well as the town of Salem since no one can prove her wrong.

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