APA Style Analysis

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According to the article, APA style influences students to think collaboratively, empirically, and impersonally. With each of the characteristics of APA style comes with an influential component that affects how students think. In the story schema, it forces students to think logically at they construct their report. The students must follow the form of introduction then method then results then discussion, which causes them to adhere to think in a logical sequence when gathering data. The article states “[data] are reconstructed into highly routinized, impersonal account,” (Madigan et al.) showing the logical and impersonal nature of APA formatting. Next, in the language of disagreement, students learn to be impersonal in their approach to others. …show more content…

This elimination of personal opinion is meant to make the main focus “empirical details rather than personalities” (Madigan et al.). Also, this disagreement forces students to be collaborative in their research, seeking the revision of others. Next, the use of citations influences students to think more for themselves than to rely on others words. APA style discourages the use of direct quotes, they would rather see a summarization in the author’s own language in order to decrease the possibility of criticism for using another’s work. Lastly, APA style trains students to think logically and impersonally through the use of language. Language is thought of as a medium rather than a product in psychology, which means language is not used to add to the written work but rather just explain the results that have been found. This discipline “adopts an uncomplicated view of the role that language plays in communication” (Madigan et al.) which influences students to think in the same

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