Ap Chemistry Class Research Paper

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Sitting in AP Chemistry lab class, thinking about how much I didn't fit in with all the brilliant overachievers, I began to wonder why I took the course. While I knew it was because I have a passion for chemistry, I didn't know what exactly entices me about the subject. Moments later, I found my answer; I love experimenting. Reading textbooks and listening to lectures are definitely informative, but they aren't the only ways to learn. Learning through experience and physical results is the most interesting and fun way to understand topics. Reading about chemical reactions and actually performing and seeing results is another, which is why the “volcanic eruption” project is so popular. Instead of trusting everything textbooks say, people can perform experiments on their …show more content…

Lab especially entices me because you can constantly try new things. Medicine, household products, and even makeup get invented every day by people mixing different things together and seeing what happens. The flexibility and freedom that chemistry lab entails is liberating; while most other fields of science have set facts and rules, lab allows people to think outside of the box, and sometimes they're lucky enough to discover something new. Influential people aren't always geniuses and geniuses aren't always influential. History, specifically the history of innovators and influential people, is another interest of mine. Numerous individuals such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, and J. K. Rowling were not geniuses or notable in any way before their innovations. Thomas Edison’s teacher said he was “too stupid to

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