A Woman Forgotten Analysis

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A Woman Forgotten, A Woman Remembered: Dialectic and Wholeness in Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich, English mystic and theologian, is at once nebulous and concrete, both deeply known and largely obscured. Lady (or, alternatively, Dame or Mother) Julian of Norwich, as the theologian is often called, lived in a time of mounting religious tensions and incredible violence. Herein her life and matrices are explored with an eye toward how each impacted the other. Ancient are her thoughts, yet her person, world, and God co-conspire to give language and logic to the contemporary moment. In Julian of Norwich, the world holds manifold dialectics, all of which are embraced in and subsumed by the Holy Trinity who shall make “every kind of thing well.”
Julian’s Making It is curious that a woman who has been called the greatest of the English mystics, as well as one of the greatest English theologians of all time, is known only by the name of the church in which she was immured, yet this is the case for the subject under consideration. The bare sketch of the woman’s life is centered around her having received sixteen “shewings” from God during a severe illness, her …show more content…

Whether her malady was genuinely in her body or “merely” somatic, the truth remains that Julian experienced her infirmity as deeply spiritually significant. It was the thing for which she had prayed, and the answer to that prayer would shape the trajectory and labor of the rest of her life. Chapter fifty-one of the longer text says that Julian wrote the extended interpretation twenty years after she received her

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