A Will Essay

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No one wants to think about dying or death in general. However it is important to face reality and plan for the inevitable future. In a will, you can ease the burden on your grieving survivors by planning your funeral arrangements; determine how your property will be distributed; determine how your debts will be paid; and especially those with minor children: if you and your spouse should die before your children grow up, you can nominate personal guardians for them and their property. Otherwise, a court will appoint a guardian without your input, and the court appointed guardian will decide where your children will live, educated, and worship, until they become of legal age. The benefits of having a will greatly outweigh not having one. Unfortunately, many of us are simply uninformed, while some come up with the wrong reasons to avoid having to make a will. Wrong reason #1: “I do not have anything to put in a will” or “Only rich people need a will.” Do you have a job? Do you have a bank account, insurance policy, or retirement accounts? Do you have property, such as a house, fu...

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