A Tragic Hero In Joan Bauer's Soar

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Many people may think that in order to make a difference in the world around you, you have to be an adult, but so many teenagers have proved us wrong and have altered the course of history. Jeremiah, a character in the story “Soar” by Joan Bauer, encounters an adventure to unfold. He is a bold, intelligent, and selfless young adult. In this book, Joan Bauer tells the powerful story of a heart transplant survivor who becomes an amazing baseball coach. It has page-turning plots, well-developed characters and lots of heartwarming moments. To give an illustration of what is meant in the book, Soar, Jeremiah is characterized as bold, showing his ability to take risks; confident and courageous. For example, Jeremiah is a heart transplant patient, and although his surgery went well, there are still things he cannot do. Dealing with his weak heart, it has given him a strong hearted spirit and to be positive about things than being negative. “Those people had strong hearts and vision. My heart's not strong, but my vision makes up for it” (27). …show more content…

He manifests his intelligence by his way of thinking and view things. For example, “I understand that in any contest, I will be tested, maybe to the boundaries of my ability. And when this happens, I will remember that I have overcome great difficulties already, and all that strength is in me” (13). Jeremiah shows positive messages despite everything he has suffered, he wants to teach readers a lesson they will remember and cherish. The story will touch on many topics like adoption, abandonment, medical issues, friendship, and most especially baseball. Jeremiah is an extremely intelligent young man who sees life as a gift and inspires others to see themselves as who they can become and despite all the negativity in the world to make the best out of

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