A Totalitarian Society

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Citizens fear to make one wrong movement, they would instantly face consequences since they are living in a dictatorial place where complete subservience is required. In a totalitarian society, citizens do not get to enjoy or experience individual rights on the daily basis like any other normal human being. These people do not have a personal or private life since the government controls every aspect in that category. The government even goes to the extent of controlling your thoughts, desires and feelings. A substantial example of a totalitarian society was when the world faced the anti Semitic dictator, Adolf Hitler. A belligerent and egocentric man willing to suppress the jewish race in order to establish one pure master race. Under the …show more content…

Some parties even suggested complete abstinence. Their rationale was the only acceptable love in this society was towards Big Brother who watched every step a person took. This restriction was necessary to achieve complete power and control over the citizens. A relationship with another individual creates an indestructible bond infused with trust and affection among two human beings with the same desires and ambivalence towards the party, furthermore opening the possibility of a coup d'etat. The power of two individuals who hold such passion for one another can soon gather other individuals to overtake the inner party. Therefore restricting any type of relationships would prevent from anyone destroying a totalitarian society. By destroying trust, the party has then "cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman" (220). If one couple were exposed to the wonders of those sexual desires, would soon spread like the domino effect where someone eventually will find a partner to experience what they were never allowed to do. By discovering such an extravagant sentiment, these members would not want to return to the normality of listening to any order Big Brother has to offer. The people would rebel against any restriction that was placed upon through the several years, such as no human contact in a sexual matter to prevent the destruction of …show more content…

Their list of approved food consisted of saccharine, black bread, bitter coffee, bitter chocolate, Victory Cigarettes, and Victory Gin. The Outer party members did not have the same sweet taste of coffee and chocolate as the inner party member since they were superior. The proles did not receive sufficient meals and would then starve. Ministry of Plenty was the branch whose job was to distribute a specific amount of food to each group. Nutritional food was not an option for the people at the bottom of the pyramid so most of the population physical appearance was “little dumpy men growing stout...with short legs” (63). This ministry was not providing the energy and nutrition the members needed such as fruits and vegetables which is crucial to help their health in myriad ways (10 of the most..). As for the outer party members which applied to Winston, the party's purpose in giving bitter coffee and chocolate was to get rid of all pleasure from someone's life. Certain food such as chocolate depicts an act of romanticism when given to another individual, but with the bitterness, the pleasure feeling has vanished. Restricting foods specific foods would lead to full devotion for Big

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