A Summary Of Pi: Pi To Kill The Hyena

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One of the most interesting parts of the book so far is when the powerful Richard Parker killed the hyena. In chapter 53 (page 150) “the hyena fell silent. My heart stopped and then beat triple speed. I turned. “Jesus, Mary, Muhammad and Vishnu!” This scene captures just how dangerous tigers and wild animals are. Pi has to live with this tiger for the rest of the time being until they either get rescued or die. If I was in Pi’s shoes I would not know what to do, I would be thinking that I am next, which Pi writes later on page 150. If Pi was praying to Jesus and Muhammad, as religious as Pi is, he probably thought this is the end. Pi really had no choice then either try to kill it or push him off the boat. This shows just how brave Pi was at …show more content…

I feel like you look at all animals like some of us look at dogs. I could not even think about eating a dog or even a cat. People look at dogs like basically humans. They feed it human food, look after it like a child, some even have their own beds. If I looked at every animal like a dog or cat, I would have a lot more respect for animals. I would disagree with zoos because they can’t roam free as they please. This scene shows how low Pi had to stoop in his mind to stay alive. Eating meat alone for Pi was hard for him but he actually had to kill an animal, snapping their neck to be exact. If he could barely peel a banana because it sounded like the breaking of an animal’s neck, I could not imagine having to kill an animal to eat it. This scene took a lot out of Pi, maybe he realized that he might actually die and this is the end if he is stooping this low to eat food. This was one huge reality check for Pi, calling himself a savage just implies that. Maybe this was the scene where he sat back and maybe thought to himself; “maybe this is really happening, maybe I am lost at sea with a wild beast.” There really isn’t a choice for Pi at this point on out, he has to fight for his

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