A Speech on Why Pop Idol Corrupts Society

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A Speech on Why Pop Idol Corrupts Society

I have come to talk to you today about the harmful effects of watching

‘Pop Idol’. I am aware that many of you have probably seen one or two

episodes of the programme; maybe some of you watch it most weeks. I

suspect there are a few avid fans of the programme in this room that

wouldn’t dare miss 2 minutes of it!

Now all of you seem pretty bright and switched on to me so why would

you want to watch people who can’t sing prancing about trying to make

money quick by being talent less. I am sure that many of you in here

can sing well and play musical instruments and that is what real music

is about. Television programmes like ‘Pop Idol’ are threatening the

future of the music industry. The artists from ‘Pop Idol’ that produce

albums don’t write their own music, or produce it, sometimes they

don’t even sing it. They are just the face on an album cover or the

scantily clad dancer in a video. Also these artists never last very

long. After a few months people get bored of the same old cheesy

repetitive beat and same-theme lyrics and move on to new artists. You

are the tomorrow, and maybe some of you want to go on to be musicians,

proper musicians. Are any of you in a band or a pop group? I bet those

of you that are in a group write your own music, your own dance moves

and play your own instruments. How much better would it be to go round

to your mate’s houses on a Saturday evening and have a jamming session

with them, rather than sitting in on your own watching ‘Pop Idol’?

Anyway, ‘Pop Idol’ has lost a lot of its credibility recently; it’s

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