A Short Summary: Monopoly

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Monopoly is a fun filled family game that teaches us many different skills. This game is valuable to society because it teaches math, cash handling, keeping track of cash, investing. and patience. Families have been playing this game since The Great Depression. Monopoly is a board game where players roll dice to move around the board and buying properties and trading properties. After you own a property you can then can develop them with houses and hotels. As the players move around the table, they must pay rent when they land on someone else’s property. The goal is to drive the other players into bankruptcy. Which makes it a fun and competitive game with lots of valuable teaching techniques. There is a little history and or debate on the …show more content…

If you buy everything up and don’t have cash left you can’t pay your bills. If you spend all your cash you must start selling your properties for less that they are worth just to get by. It will only be a matter of time before you go bankrupt and you have nothing left. This true in the game and in real life. It is nice to learn this early in life. As a child and an adult, it is good to learn patience and this game in many ways teaches us that. Every turn in this game takes a little time, especially as the properties have been bought because you can only add houses or hotels on your turn. We must also plan and not just buy everything up, if you buy without discipline when investing, you will just have to hope the market behaves in your favor. Investors don’t invest based on hope, they invest with a disciplined approach. Patience is a big part of that approach. Monopoly can teach us to focus on cash flow. To win this game you must be the last player left with cash. In our lives, we need cash to get the things we need such as food and utilities. This game helps you learn what properties are most valuable, this helps the cash keep flowing in. keeping the cash coming in will help with your math skills because you must add and subtract what goes out and what comes …show more content…

The original boot, and thimble, and wheelbarrow pieces have changed to Tyrannosaurus rex, a penguin, and a rubbery ducky. Monopoly has different editions so if your r a football fan or Nascar fan plus many more editions you can play the game that suits you best. Monopoly teaches us so many different lessons who wouldn’t want to play this game in their home. Family games that teach us any skills is valuable to anyone because they are fun and rewarding too. These lessons are some of the best lessons we can learn because all of us want to succeed and have money. And to do that we need to take risks and have a little

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