A Short Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Gustavo Saposnik, Robert Teasell, Muhammad Mamdani, Judith Hall, William McIlroy, Donna Cheung, Kevin E. Thorpe, Leornardo G. Gohen, Mark Bayley. “Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Using Wii Gaming Technology in Stroke Rehabilitation.” This source is suggests that VRWii can be safely incorporated in stroke rehabilitation. They tested this by creating 2 different groups, 1 that uses the VRWii gaming technology and the other uses recreational therapy. The total size was 110 patients with only 22 patients are randomized and the other 88 patients picked. They concluded that relative to the recreational therapy, the VRWii group had significant improved in motor function. They also concluded that using VRWii is a safe, feasible, and potentially effective alternative for rehabilitation therapy. This source is credible because this test was conducted for two months on adults aged 41-83. The weakness of this source is that the sample size is incredibly low. Desai, Rani A, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Dana Cavallo, Marc N. Potenza. “Video-Gaming Among High School Students: Health Correlates,GenderDifferences,AndProblematicGaming.” This study tests if video games may negatively impact youth. They surveyed around 1,176 girls and 2852 boys. They found that gaming does not negatively impact a boy’s health and also in …show more content…

The author provides examples of how it has negatively affected an individual’s health such as muscle pain, seizures, obesity, aggressive behavior, poor grades, lack of vitamin D, changes in appearance, sleep deprivation, and attention problems. This source is credible because it demonstrated the popular belief of negative effects of playing video games while providing sources of where the author got their information. The weakness of this source is that some of the problems can easily be solved by management skills such as working out from time to time to reduce

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