A Sand County Almanac Essay

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A Sand County Almanac 10 Historical Names Researched: Dean W. H. Henry: Dean W. H. Henry Jonathan Carver: Jonathan Carver was born on April 13, 1710 in Weymouth, Mass. and died on Jan. 31, 1780 in London, Eng. He was an early explorer of North America and author of one of the most widely read travel and adventure books in that period. John Muir: John Muir also known as "John of the Mountains", was a Scottish-American naturalist, author, environmental philosopher and early advocate of preservation of wilderness in the United States and was the founder of the Sierra Club. Franklin D. Roosevelt: Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only U.S. president to be elected four times. He led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II. John Heath: John Heath was an American lawyer and politician from Northumberland County, Virginia. He represented …show more content…

The sweetest hunts are stolen. To steal a hunt, either go far into the wilderness where no one has been, or else find some undiscovered place under everybody's nose.” (Leopold 104) “ Between each hanging garden and the creekside is a moss-paved deer trail, handy for the hunter to follow, and for the flushed grouse to cross-in a split second. The question is whether the bird and the gun agree on how a second should be split. If they do not, the next deer that passes finds a pair of empty shells to sniff at, but no feathers.” (Leopold 104) “ I wonder what this family thought about when their mortgage finally outgrew their crops, and thus gave the signal for their eviction. Many thoughts, like flying grouse, leave no trace of their passing, but some leave clues that outlast the decades. He who, is some unforgotten April, planted this liliac must have thought pleasantly of blooms for all the Aprils to come. She who used this washboard, its corrugations worn thin with many Mondays, may have wished for a cessation of all Mondays, and soon.” (Leopold

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