A Rose For Emily Feminist Essay

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Topic Proposal: Feminist Approach to A Rose for Emily In William Faulkner’s pervasive story, the character in A Rose for Emily represents the idea of a woman’s place in society which questions the roles that were susceptible for woman. Due to a patriarchal power held over her for the majority of her life, she is unable to take control and spirals into a distortion of the way life and death is carried out. She represents the tension and struggle between the past and modernity taking the belief that people who have lived for years in a town and didn’t expect it to change instantly. This paper will analyze the literary theme of female empowerment and Emily’s struggle with societal pressure. Emily holds a high influence from the town due to her precedence over the several decades. She …show more content…

We trace her struggles with personal grief, a restricted social life, socio-economic decline, and romantic misfortune, a long history of trauma and repression.”(445) Burduck, Michael L. "Another View of Faulkner's Narrator in 'A Rose for Emily'." The University of Mississippi Studies in English 8 (1990): 209-211. Rpt. in Literature Resource Center. Detroit: Gale, 2016. Literature Resource Center. Web. 22 June 2016. In this literary analysis, the author uses his personal views of A Rose for Emily and focuses primarily on the narrator’s consideration and perspective. The author specifies the gender of the narrator and whether that plays a role in the way Emily’s story is told. If it were to be a female narrator, the audience would receive sympathetic views. If told by a male it would spite Emily as a cold, heartless human being that was the town recluse. The author sheds a more positive light on Emily compared to other analysis which depicts her as a psychotic mess. Burduck is more understanding towards her and realizes that she has trouble facing

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