A Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Thinking Out Loud' By Ed Sheeran

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Artists often use Logos, Ethos, Pathos, or combinations of the three are to get their view point across. Artist also put these three together and make a visual called a music video. "Thinking Out Loud" is a song by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran off his second album titled X. Ed Sheeran gives his fans and critics a visual of his hit song. His audience is usually people who have been in love or are in love. The musical composition and video by Ed Sheeran uses ethos to show his representation, logos gives understanding to his lyrics, and pathos to explain the use of the instruments used in order to argue that change happens but love stays the same. The artist Ed Sheeran uses ethos to convince the audience of his character and how he wants to represented in the video and heard in the song. In the video its Ed learning to dance by a professional dancer while dancing to his song “Thinking Out …show more content…

The song is a romantic ballad which fits the video. “Thinking out loud” is played in d major which is played on the guitar. The play of the guitar gives it an authentic feel that persuades the audience that he is loving. Sheeran in addition uses the instruments violin, and piano. The song is in mid-tempo range with the song having high points and low points. In the high points in the song Sheeran vocally over powers the instruments. In addition the ballad and instruments go together and fit the message. The musician Ed Sheeran uses pathos, logos, and ethos to convey his message and to show his character. The song “Thinking Out Loud “is a romantic ballad which he argues that his love never changes. The music video matches the song, due to it being a romantic type of dance. Sheeran uses ethos to show his character and shows he isn’t perfect. Then uses logos which is his lyrics that persuades the audience .and finally he uses pathos to put music instruments to match the meaning and

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