A Rhetorical Analysis Of Ronald Reagan's Morning In America

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In the infamous “Morning in America” ad in the 1984 presidential campaign for Ronald Reagan of the Republican Party, It projected such a happy time in America with Ronald Reagan being president. It starts off with this slow yet happy music. It make you feel like your waking up to a beautiful with endless possibly with no negativity what’s so ever. It shows men and woman making an honest living working hard, but also they seem to be happy. They are seem happy to be working and living in a perfectly balanced society. The entire mood of the commercial is optimistic, calm, and basically rainbows and sunshine. It’s as if nothing will rain on America’s Parade. The Commercial also showcases that Ronald Reagan success while serving as president the last four years. Basically, the ad is saying “hey, look I have done …show more content…

I believe that we can learn a lot from this video. Not only was this a success ad, but it shows as a perfect example of how to run a campaign. It shows that you put fear in people without enforcing the fear. For example, in the commercial you never hear Ronald Reagan bashing his opponent. He is in this ad saying he is the best candidate for the job because look at all the good he has done. He is saying not that the opposing candidate isn’t good but what has he done for America. The ad is brilliantly discrediting the other candidate while painting Ronald Reagan to being like Mother Teresa of America. Another way this ad relates to the class, it deals with politics. Despite this commercial is older, it is a reflection on the history of how our society has gotten to where it is today. It is said that your history will reflect your future, and if that is true then looking back on past politics not only Ronald Reagans but others as well to see where did everything go wrong? Where did everything go right? Our past will provide as some sort of guideline to what our future will

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