A Rhetorical Analysis Of Death Valley, By Ken Robinson

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Ken Robinson summarizes the three key principles for human life to flourish, and how current education culture works against them. During the speech, Robinson talks humorous style and encourage people how to escape the current “Death Valley” that faced by education. He also discusses about how to foster an open culture of the younger generation.

1. Education Policy under NCLB system is based on conformity. We couldn’t say that a person good at dance is not as good as a person good at writing. They have different talents. This is not an education in the field of “intellectual apartheid.”

2. Today, we see more and more of ADHD cases, these children cannot concentrate under all sorts of outside interference. The largest harassment is from …show more content…

The consequence is a student, as an individual that they are not get respect, then, they produced by a homogeneous “product.” We should apply the agriculture-oriented mode of thinking to think about education. Every student is organism, and they want to find the soil and climate for their growth.

Schools in my home country, students will be divided into different levels and different class according their age. Why do they do this? There are some kids that he (she) might learn faster than their peers, or doing very well in some subjects, or the most effective only when they alone in studying. Industrialization of the school management methods blurs these differences, harming a lot.

As Robinson mentioned in his speech, in the winter of 2004, it rained in Death Valley. Because of this, anything can happen. He told us that the implication is, each of us has a very good talent, and the one thing is our talent has not been excavated. Then, what should we do? Schools should set a higher standard of teaching, let students know to achieve a certain standard is a very “cool” thing, and they will try to do it. Teachers need to fully understand each of the different students. As Confucius said, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. This is not only the responsibility of the teachers, also requires progressive students on their

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