A Rhetorical Analysis Of Article By Analyze Thompson

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Analyze Thompson’s use of the participant-observer role (p. 88) Thompson makes his status as an outsider clear when he states, “I bend over, noticing that most of the crew has turned to watch.” He his not a regular seen in the fields. By having this detail included it is evident people watched to see the new guy work. Thompson also manages to tell the readers something unfamiliar to them when talking about Mateo. He is an older co-worker thus, goes on to detail how the average field worker only lives up to 49 years old due to the harsh environment they face. His own failures are also emphasized throughout the story. Because he was unable to cut the head of the lettuce correctly, he cuts his finger causing a bruising that forces him to take …show more content…

89) There were several points throughout the text where Thompson gives a clear understanding of the issue and his thoughts about it. The most obvious is when he discusses Yuma, Arizona as the main lettuce production area when Salinas, California is incapable of doing so. No ordinary person can do this job. To be more specific, no American is willing to do it. Mexicans are the only ones who are up to do it for the wages provided. In fact, wages have gone up to $10-12 and hour to attempt to persuade Americans to join and have failed. Through his first day on the job, he made it clear that the job was challenging my even putting on his gear. Write a paragraph analyzing how Toufexis focuses her explanation (p.133) Toufexis focuses mainly on the idea and evolution of love. The talks about the concept of love from a different more scientific perspective. She talks about how love affects individuals and the statistics of romance and love in marriage and relationships. She illustrates that love is actually just chemicals in our bodies that dictate how men and women feel, simplifying the concept so that the reader can fully understand the purpose of her writing. Write a paragraph analyzing Toufexis’s use of the visual (p. …show more content…

Therefore, people are unable to make decision after decision. Through research, people’s actions are able to be classified as decision fatigue as in the case of the judge’s ruling of the prisoners. Two prisoners committed the same crime, yet one received parole. This was due to mental exhaustion throughout the day and not wanting to continue making more decisions. The cause and effect reasoning is shown through the two short-cuts approached through decision fatigue. Recklessness can be seen as people are unable to now make reasoned decisions because they are tired. Lastly, the decision may be avoided overall. This was seen in the judge’s case as not giving the prisoner parole allowed him to keep the communities safe from harm, but was unable to make the right decision for the

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