A Research on Alex Grey's Art Work

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"My art has always been in response to visions. Rather than confine my subject to representations of the outer worlds, I include portrayals of the multi-dimensional imaginal realms that pull us toward consciousness evolution." It has been said that artist Alex Grey is in the business of painting souls. His paintings are a mix of transcendentalist philosophy, precise anatomy, and a heady balance of major world religions. Grey's works have become increasingly popular during the early 2000s due to the universal nature of his art, the permanent residence of his project "Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors", and the utilization of his art by multiple bands, such as the American rock band Tool. To understand Alex Grey's art, it is necessary to examine his background. Alex Grey was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1953. His father was a graphic artist and he encouraged his son's drawing ability throughout his life. Grey was known to collect insects and dead animals from the surrounding neighborhood and buried the in backyard, a practice he kept up until 1963, when he contracted rabies from the bite of a bat he presumed dead. He attended the Columbus College of Art and Design on full scholarship for two years and then moved to Boston to work as a studio assistant for Jay Jaroslav and study at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. It was here that Grey experienced his first etheogenic experience and met his wife and artist partner Allyson Rymland Grey. From the Museum School, Alex worked in the anatomy department at Harvard Medical School, preparing cadavers for dissection and doing his own study of the body as well. This study lead to his painting the "Sacred Mirrors" series, which would later cause Grey to be hired by Harvard as a medical illust... ... middle of paper ... ...ers and sheets of blotter acid. I am drawn to Alex Grey's work because there is so much depth to the world he creates. He paints intricacies of life in every day moments that we cannot see, energy, the flow of blood, nervous reaction, and leaves the viewer with the impression that there is divinity in these moments. His precision and use of vibrant color makes interesting and visually appealing. Works Cited "Alex Grey | Biography." Alex Grey. N.p., 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. Grey, Alex. "The Creative Process and Entheogens - Alex Grey." Alex Grey. N.p., 2000. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. "Interview for the Examiner - Alex Grey." Alex Grey. N.p., 2005. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. Lyttle, Thomas. "High Times June 2002 - Alex Grey." Alex Grey. N.p., June 2002. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. Raw Vision. "Alex Grey." Alex Grey. N.p., Jan. 2000. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

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