A Reflection Of The Interpersonal Relationship Communication Social Intelligence Issues

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The third lesson was the interpersonal relation communication social intelligence topic. A good active listening should encourage people think, speak up, try to understand people feeling more than people speak, have many different ways to deliver messages to others, and should take a short note when people said or discuss. In this chapter described the ways to improve the active listening by making eye contact with receivers, use non-verbal communication; body language and facial expressions, ask some questions for showing receivers clearly understand, summarize in your words by taking notes, should not interrupt when speakers speak wait until have time to discuss and do not talk too much just talk about context for understanding. The level …show more content…

It has some conflict of ideas in team members. When I faced with situations, I listened other before I spoke something for understanding what was happened and tried to compromise their ideas for reducing the conflicts. This helps me how to deal with conflicts. In reality working organization, it usually has some conflicts within team members. Moreover, those conflicts can directly affect worker’s performance and create job dissatisfaction. However, the conflicts can be positive sides if you have the communication skills, they can have more new ideas, innovations or creativities. From personal goal, I would like to work in my family business. So, I must have abilities to bring my employees to work together. First, I will try to find the sources of conflict and listen employees’ point of view. I will provide some activities for leading them to work and to get along in team. All employees in my business must spend time in an icebreaker activity. The activity is useful for people can have a conversation and an interpersonal relation. When they know members in a team, they will feel comfortable and feel safer to work. If this way does not work, I will change the structure of some employees to other departments, but I will ask their opinions. After that, I would like to arrange to have a meeting around morning time before start working time to listen their performance in each week, this strategy will follow their effort and give them some suggestions for improving their performance. Moreover, the interpersonal relation can build trust from customers, partners and team workers. When customer believes in my organization, they will use my service and may become to a loyalty member in the future. For the partners, they can give some useful information when I do business with

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