A Perfect Person Analysis

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The struggles, the heart break, the up times and the down time. Money problems, life decisions, bad decisions and good decisions. This is all a part of life. No one is perfect and not everyone makes good choices. There are many types of people in the world and they all deal with situations in different ways. Some can speak their mind and some cant. People are different in their own ways. People judge others for the way they look, and others will judge on their personality and some people may not judge. People can be cruel and some loving it all comes down to how they were bought up and the environment they chose to stick around. This is from my own perspective and what I have learnt from my life so far. What is a perfect person? No one really knows. People can say they are perfect but that role to me seems impossible to fulfil. Saying you are perfect is implying that you have never lied, judged, backstabbed, swore, back answered etc. Those are things that people are bound to throughout their lives. Saying they are perfect is already lying. I have heard for people being perfectionists but not perfect. They may sound like the same word but they have two very different meanings. Perfectionist is my vocabulary stands for a person who will strive and commit …show more content…

People that fight for their country and give their lives so others can live is what is successful. People who help fundraise money for the less fortunate or help dig wells for them to have clean water is what I state as successful. There are people who have graduated got a job and making plenty of money that is classed as successful. The money they make and spend on pointless products is not very successful when they could have spent at least $1 to save a starving child or to help them get an education. People who make money and spend it on worthless stuff to look cool are classified as unsuccessful and should give it to the less

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