A Penny Pincher, and Still Poor?

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I chose to do my second exercise paper on “living on the outskirts of poverty: A balanced budget”. I am getting married this year and my fiancé and I have begun to start a tight budget for ourselves, so this assignment hit really close to home. Together we will make about the same as the couple in the example. If a couple was making roughly 18,924 a year, $1,577 a month, it would make it hard to live and enjoy life. I asked a lot of different people for their estimates on how much they pay for certain things, as well as looked up online for different examples and estimates.

My results where that for a two bedroom apartment in Bellbrook Ohio it would cost about $600.00 a month with water, sewage, and trash all included. Electric would cost the family an additional $125.00 every month. For two pre owned paid off cars, insurance would run them approximately $150.00 a month, and with gas prices up to about $4.00 a gallon, if work and shopping was all within fifteen minutes of them I estimated it would cost them about $384.00 a month. For Childcare for the preschooler, and afterschool care for the seven year old it would be about $544.00 a month. Healthcare would run about $1,400.00 for the entire family for a month. For Food, Clothing, extra’s, and entertainment it is roughly $880.00 a month. All this added up is approximently$4,008 a month an astonishing $48,096 a year. This is over two times the amount that the family makes together in a year.

With all this cost of living they have to make some drastic cuts. For example if they had a family member watch the children instead of having them in day care it would cut out $500.00 of their expenses every month. They could cut down their entertainment to once a month and take it down t...

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... functionalist this family serves a purpose for being at almost the poverty line. Everything in society has a purpose and a function. Poverty and inequality serve a specific function in society. Inequality is a graded ladder of people at different income levels. Poverty motivates people to “climb the ladder”. Poverty then ensures that all jobs (functions) in society will be filled. So even though it is sad that this family will struggle through life and will most likely be sick and stressed more than the average family, it is a necessary thing. Their status helps make everything balanced and in order.

Works Cited

"Sociology: Causes and Effects of Poverty - CliffsNotes." Get Homework Help with CliffsNotes Study Guides - CliffsNotes. Web. 02 June 2011. .

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