A Pathological Criminal in Truman Capote's In Cold Blood

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Truman Capote, in his novel In Cold Blood, establishes the character of Perry Smith as an archetype of a pathological criminal (as evidenced by the cited psychological study on "murder without apparent motive" (299-302)), communicating the level of complexity of the emotional makeup of criminals. Capote focuses his novel on Perry, detailing his thoughts, past, relationships, and ambitions. Perry reflects as a loner who mistrusts others, including those he wishes to call friends (297), revealing a deeper level of emotion than the cold-blooded acts of murder suggest. In detailing Perry's personal relationships and familial upbringing (or lack thereof), Capote elucidates the importance of love and friendship in the development of a child; Perry had neither, rather suffering racial abuse and public humiliation as a seven year old. Perry's actions are thus perceived as not necessarily being 'his fault', but rather a product of circumstances. Thesis: Capote traces Perry's habits from childhood to adulthood, analyzes Perry's psyche, and chronicles Perry's "friendships" in order to impart the theme that the nurture of love and friendship plays a huge role in the makeup of a person's character.

Capote delineates Perry's attachment to his past while tracing how its tendrils creep into his present habits, formulating the concept that one's past can shape one's future. From the very beginning of the novel and from the reader's first glimpse at Perry, Capote calls attention to Perry's boxes filled with memorabilia that constitute his worldly possessions. In his early thirties, Perry still clings to his childhood dreams of becoming "Perry O'Parsons" and a deep-sea-diver (14). Perry's friendship with Dick depends on him being "totally masculine...

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...ip on one's subsequent ability to reciprocate those sentiments.

Capote thus illustrates how Perry's childhood deterred him from realizing his vast potential. By detailing the similarities between Perry's childhood and his subsequent actions, Capote establishes the connection between love and friendship and subsequent attitude and action. Additionally, Capote links Perry's psychological failings to his childhood abuse, proving that on the cognitive level, love and friendship clearly influences one's ability to function in society. Additionally, Capote details Perry's history of failed relationships as evidence to the profound effect of the absence of love and friendship on one's subsequent ability to love and befriend. Thus, Capote conveys the theme that love and friendship the most important things that a man can have, and in their absence, bad things will happen.

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