A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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Some say love is difficult, but in reality, people are. Us people can make our peers feel an exceeding amount of emotions. In the book A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare shows the way individual people can cause the difficulty between two lovers. This story takes place in Athens during the Middle Ages or the 1500s, where the characters Lysander and Hermia elope to get married and escape the harshness of the Athenian law for marriage. During their escape, they find that immortal and mortal things can ruin their love and their peers love in just a few actions or words. Out of these things, Shakespeare shows that love isn’t difficult but people are. The love between Oberon and Titania would have prospered if the little Indian boy wouldn’t have affected them in a negative way, showing the effects of people making love difficult. Oberon and Titania show that the love between them diminished because of one certain person by continually fighting over them. Oberon fought with Titania over the little boy because he wanted …show more content…

Egeus is a perfect example of how love isn’t difficult. However, the person who messes with it, is. His actions and tongue caused Lysander and Hermia’s affection toward each other painful and problematic. Egeus stated, “You’ll either be executed or you’ll never see another man again”, making Hermia reply with “Lysander and I are running away from here” (Shakespeare 1.1.4). Egeus was angry that Hermia would not marry the man he desired her to marry. Nevertheless, he decided to give her three choices. To be executed, marry the desired man, or become a nun with a vow of celibacy. She immediately declined and refused all of these options. Hermia and Lysander decided to elope to escape the restraint. Love should not be this complicated. The intrusion of Egeus made the love more hard, exhausting, and

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