A Memorable Time in My Life

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My story is about my friend and I who one day came up with an idea to entertain ourselves. To be frank, it wasn't the safest idea. Nor the smartest. But we were at an age where life was at our peril. We hardly ever had any homework and our parents thought we were too innocent to punish us if we came home from school late. So we considered this to be the perfect time for some refreshing fun. I learned a lot from a participation which I initially thought was simply about having a good time. In one sense I did have a good time but it was over roared by a pretty hefty consequence. My overriding regret is substantial and can never be amended. I was relieved slightly with lessons which a real life undertaking like this only could of taught me.

At the age of 11 my friend and I were public enemy number one. You would hear people from miles around talking about the dastardly duo, or as the old people would call us, "those little rascals". We had been called a lot worse than that, but some of the words that were slurred aren't suitable for the writings of an English essay.

It all began when we started playing football in the school grounds, we did this for a while until the "janie" kicked us out for hitting the ball off the windows one too many times.This left us a predicament do we go home like normal people or do we find something else to do.The answer was quite simple. We'd find another game to play...

This game we thought of (or copied) was called 'gardies'. It sounded exciting. Basically it involves running or as we called it 'boltin it' through gardens as fast as your legs could take you. Simple enough you'd of thought. It wasn't.

We had heard of other people doing it but we were both newcomers to t...

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...ve it up. But I now realized my mistakes, I knew I could never do it again.

That is why on the next day of school when he asked me, as he routinely did, ''Doing 'gardies' after school''

I replied by saying ''That's getting dull, Lets do something else''.

He said ''Fine.Lets play 'chappe' instead

''What's that'', I said curiously

''Chapping doors and running away'' I realized then he hadn't been enlightened in any way by this experience. He found other people to play these immature games with and no more was said of it.

He eventually told me one day that he was turning over a new leaf. However he couldn't resist all the time. When he walked down the street he made a habit of jumping across the road and narrowly missing cars. But like before,luck runs out and he got hit and broke his wrist, leg and elbow. His leaf was now well and truly turned.

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