A Long Walk To Water By Linda Sue Parks

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The Basis of Life, Water Is water our most precious resource? In the novel A Long Walk to Water, writer Linda Sue Parks writes about two young children named Nya and Salva who live in Southern Sudan. Their biggest challenge is finding water to drink. Nya and Salva must hunt for the nearest water and conserve it for their long journey home. Without water, extreme dehydration and even death may occur. I believe water is our most precious resource.
Peers may claim that hope is our most precious resource, not water. As evidenced in the book, Salva never stopped believing or hoping that his family was still alive. He was determined to walk to the Itang Refugee camp in hopes of reuniting with his family. Without a doubt, being hopeful is very important, but if you do not have any water, the chances of staying alive are slim. Park writes, “But the well was not only for their use alone. People would come from miles around to fetch the good clean water” (113). Furthermore, the water in the well brought hope to Nya’s family and village. It would allow them to grow future crops to feed their families, which proves why water is more important than hope. Water at the well saved Nya from making those trips everyday to the pond because humans need drinking water to survive. …show more content…

Therefore, she traveled to the pond to fetch water because humans need drinking water to survive. She had to travel many hours a day to collect water full of mud and dirt. That was their only water source despite it not being clean. The novel reads, “There was little weight going. There was only heat. The sun already baking the air, even though it was long before noon. It would take her half the morning if she didn’t stop on the way” (1). This quotation refers to Nya’s long journey to gather water, despite facing hot weather, and thorns, on her morning and afternoon walks. Without drinking water, Nya’s family could come near death or extreme

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