A Literary Analysis Of N. H. Senzai's Shooting Kabul

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Literary Analysis of: Shooting Kabul

His parents never fought in front of us, so I know it is serious. After she questioned his ghayrat, I knew it was a significant matter. Even after being questioned of his pride, he continued to advance in creating a peace in anyway possible. Yet, having a family member attempt to get away still didn’t break him. He was also very indulgent when receiving news. Frim breaking up arguments in public to finding his own son in the trunk of his taxi, and even being calm during times when tensions was high, Habib has a great concept of racial understand and is very tolerant in the book Shooting Kabul by N.H. Senzai.

“‘We cannot go on fighting among ourselves!’ said Habib. His strong, deep voice rumbled through the store, (P.142)” Two men in a local grocery store had gotten into a dispute about the Taliban and whether or not Afghanistan should continue supporting them despite many changes for the worst. Luckily, before anything had gotten physical, Habib had intervened to settle the conflict. This goes to show that Habib has patience and a sense of understanding of the world around him regarding religion and race. …show more content…

Habib had listened to his whole story before hitting him with the facts while still calm and collected; he allowed all information to be given before making a conclusion. This is an example of his tolerance with his children and their shenanigans; no matter how serious and bizarre. Like had failed to break away to Asia, he also floundered at another

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