A Lexicon Of Terror Analysis

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We also see represntatino of violence within Marguertie Feitlowitz book, A Lexicon of Terror, although different than “The Offical Story,” in regards to how violence is presneted to the reader. Rather then having settle hints to the viewer and or the reader; violence is laid out through personal accounts of indvidudals who face such socital traumas. Within Feitlowitz book, she teels the story of a young women named Susan who on a normal day while riding the bus in broad daylight was abducted, Feitlowitz states: “ “Por el pelo, no” a women pleaded softly as Susana was dragged passed her, “not by the hair.” … What Susana members clearly is the silence: except for the women, no one said a word “ (173). It later states that Susana was being “stripped,

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