A Lesson Well-Learned

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My mind flashed back to the wise advice my grandmother had constantly given me. "Never chew with your mouth open," she would say. If only I had listened to her. But my sensible side reminded me, now is not the time for sullen regrets. I shook my head to clear it, and with a loud sigh, evaluated my situation. I had been eating lunch on the edge of the dock with some of my high school friends. I started laughing, despite my dear grandmother’s advice, and suddenly, I was underwater, tightly gripped by some creature I had never seen before, which, for reasons I may never understand, my beleaguered mind decided to call a “nusterboofy.” This creature definitely did not live up to the comical name I gave it. It slightly resembled an octopus, with a jet-black body, two cold, reflective eyes, and four long, glimmering tentacles, two of which held me prisoner. As I peered closer, I realized that the glimmer came from what appeared to be various articles of jewelry. Perhaps it has a fascination with shiny objects, I wondered, and immediately regretted my recent obsession with whitening toothpa...

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