A Good Thing Is Failure Essay

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Many people have heard that when a reporter asked how it felt to fail 1,000 times while inventing the lightbulb, Thomas Edison replied, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 1,000 ways that won’t work” (“Why Failure is Good for Success”). Throughout his life Thomas Edison experienced many failures, but he never let them bother him. Rather than getting discouraged, Edison just kept getting back up and continuing on. In an attempt to better express his view of failure Edison stated, “Many of life’s failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” (Beals). He realized just how important failure, along with how we react to it, can be. It is through failure we learn more about ourselves than we previously knew. Through failure we can also become more prepared to succeed in the future. Failure can be a good thing, as long as we do not let it consume our lives, and expect it to determine our futures. Without failure there would be not excitement or variety in life. Yes, it is true that failure is painful, but because of failure we can come to enjoy the good things life has to offer. To demonstrate why failure can be a …show more content…

When we fail, we may discover the path we are traveling on is not the one we want to continue down. We can then look for new paths and opportunities that would have previously been unknown, had failure not occurred. The creator of the Peanut’s comic strips, Charles Schultz, learned that failure will take you down new and previously undiscovered paths from an early age. “While still in high school every comic he submitted to his high school yearbook was turned down. Later, when applying for a job under Walt Disney he was similarly turned away” (Muzik). Had Schulz worked for the Disney Company, the beloved characters of Charlie Brown, Lucy, Sally, Linus, and of course Snoopy would very likely not

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