A Good Person In David Foster Wallace's Good People

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Who exactly is a good person and what about them makes them a good person? In David Foster Wallace’s Good People, the question of what a good person is brought up. Lane and Sherri are Christian college kids who attend the same junior college. Sherri got pregnant before marriage and decides to keep the baby, and while Lane decides to stay supportive he has lost feeling of love for his girlfriend. Two different definitions are brought up, the question is which one is the true meaning of a good person? A good person is either a person who does good deeds but doesn’t truly mean them from the inside or a person who is down to earth from the heart but may not always do good deeds.
Doing good deeds makes one a good person, right? One definition of a good person is someone who does good acts but doesn’t truly mean and feel it in their heart. Lane A. Dean Jr. is an example of …show more content…

Lane A. Dean Jr’s girlfriend was one of these people. She does things because she feels it from her heart not because it is what God and society wants to see in a good person. She is pregnant before marriage, despite being Christian, but instead of giving up her baby to look good in society, she decides to keep it after birth, to “have it and love it” (228). She even puts zero obligations over Lane saying that she “releases him” and wishes him “joy and all good things” (228). She doesn’t just do deeds to look good, after all , she could have made Lane has equally responsible for the baby, but instead she set him free to finish his education and enjoy his life. Like Lane’s mother says she is “down to earth” and said one could tell because Sherri made it “evident in little ways” (225). Her actions come from the pureness of her heart and soul, she does little things to show the goodness in her heart and doesn’t believe in doing drastic good deeds to show society how she

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