A Good Man Is Hard to Find and A Rose for Emily

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Southern literature, specifically southern Gothic literature, is distinct with its perceptions and observations on the American South. Death, mental illness, and oppression are just some of the common themes found in Southern Gothic literature, making it quite different from other American literary texts. Two celebrated authors, Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner, put the themes of the Gothic South to great use. Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find, which tells about the quietus of a Southern family at the hands of a killer, and William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily, an elderly woman found to have her lover’s body rotting in the bedroom, are both commendable examples and show the antiquated views on southern culture and expectations. A Good Man Is Hard to Find and A Rose for Emily share many views on the brainwashed mindsets of the south, southern archetypes, and morbid outcomes. An important theme that can be seen throughout both stories are the outdated views on etiquette and culture. In O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find, the grandmother is the character that displays the most naiveté. As the story progresses, readers learn that she remains true to the values from old southern culture, while the rest of society pushes forward to modern views. “‘In my time,’ said the grandmother, folding her thin veiled fingers, ‘children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else. People did right then. Oh look at the cute little pickaninny!’ she said, and pointed to a Negro child standing in the door of a shack’” (O’Connor 424). This quote shows a lot about the grandmother’s beliefs. She believes that in the old days, people used to be respectful, but today, people are no longer following ... ... middle of paper ... ...end in death, the characters deaths are ended in different ways. The grandmother from A Good Man Is Hard to Find is an annoying character and wouldn’t receive as much sympathy from the reader as Emily from A Rose for Emily, who was born into a sheltered life and would be considered a victim of loneliness. Overall, both O’Connor and Faulkner expressed their disapproval of the attachment to the old south in creative ways. A Good Man Is Hard to Find and A Rose for Emily both symbolize the outdated mindsets of the south, the typical southern archetype, and the horrific conclusions of southern gothic literature. Both stories question the traditions of the old south and the attachments regarding it. Altogether, A Good Man Is Hard to Find and A Rose for Emily are great examples when looking at southern American literature and make a strong impact on the writing community.

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