A Good Man Is Hard To Find Misfit Character Analysis

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Everyone is guilty of something but few realize it. In a Good Man is Hard to Find, there are two main characters who display character traits that are extremely disturbing and hard to comprehend. The setting of this story does influence some of their actions in a negative way. Because of their behaviors the tone of this story tries to take on a sense of humor to offset their shocking actions. Using irony within the story, many characters are guilty of wrongdoings but they do not see what they are doing as wrong. Therefore, it is very difficult to find any good character within this story. The grandmother preserves many different attributes and behaviors that she doesn't understand are not good. She changes her plans for a family trip and …show more content…

He does not realize killing people is bad. The Misfit’s mind is in a lot of different places at the moment he talks with the grandma. For example he says , “Because I can’t make what all I done wrong fit what all I gone through in punishment” (O’Connor 39). This shows that the Misfit has gone through so much punishment throughout his life he doesn't understand that killing people is wrong. He thinks that if he’s gone through excruciating pain that others should too. His guilt has skipped right over his head because of the terrible things that have happen to him. The Misfit believes that he hasn't done anything wrong he claims the reason he went to jail for killing his father is not true. The reader finds it hard to tell if he is telling the truth or not. Not to mention that the Misfit also enjoys the power of being the one in control. The Misfit is an interesting person to understand throughout the whole story. Clark suggests that “The Power the Misfit has in the story resides not only to his gun and his sidekicks. He is energized by his keenness, his experience, his knowledge of evil” (113). This shows that the Misfit is eager to find people and kill them. He is so caught up on the evil things that happened to him that it caused him to ruin people’s lives. He doesn't realize to put everything that has happen to him behind him. He has a different way of interpreting everything that is going on in his life. The right and wrong thing to do at every given moment. The Misfit deals with evil by taking out his pain on

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