A Funeral Eulogy For A Roman Wife

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A pretty face gets old. A nice body will change. But a good woman with an amazing personality will always be a good woman. Life is about the good person you are. No one will remember you for what things you had, but how you made them feel. A man or husband usually expects a woman with amazing qualities and virtues. The role and duties of a woman and wife in the past and the present have changed significantly. People say that a real man respects and values the virtues of the woman he loves. In A Funeral Eulogy for a Roman Wife this is noticeable. The man wrote this eulogy hundreds of years ago about his wife and the admirable qualities, loyalty and self sacrificing love that she had. This eulogy, is a true summary of what it is like to be a Roman wife.
Turia’s life addresses many aspects of the Roman society. As a wife, Turia, was the ideal woman. Her family was very wealthy and she married very young. She seemed to display great modesty, deference, affability, and had an admirable personality. These are some of the qualities that he found in his wife Turia, and that made their marriage so successful. Marriage requires extraordinary effort and in this case the qualities and virtues of the wife made it successful and unique for fully 40 years (27). She was an exceptional wife, according to …show more content…

Also, that a Roman wife was expected to achieve their duties and be able to do anything for the good of the husband and family. The list of qualities Turia’s husband tells us that men’s still judged on the women obedience and virtues as wives. He let us know the qualities necessary for a happy and enduring marriage. The importance of being a good wife and having good qualities is proven to be very valuable not only in the Eulogy for a Roman wife, but also in today’s society. Marriage has become politicized, more common to divorce and

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