A False Sense Of Not-So-Real Reality TV

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Not-so-Real Reality Television
Reality TV gives a false sense of reality. The Bachelor is unrealistic and can be harmful for relationships. The contestant act in such a way that they are untouchable and are able to do anything. Anyone living in the real world knows this is not true. Every action has a consequence, but in this ‘reality’ show, this does not seem to be the case. Living a lavish life with big houses and fast cars. This is only reality for a very small percentage of the population. The show creates drama between contestants and they do things on purpose for entertainment and because they know they are being filmed. This makes relationships look more like a game than anything, degrading the importance and bond of a relationship.
The Bachelor gives people unrealistic expectations for love. The man (or bachelor) is like a lone wolf hunting for his …show more content…

Showing someone affection with only the intention to turn around and break their heart is wrong. Even worse, doing it to multiple women at the same time. This is a form of cheating which is a cardinal sin during a relationship. Relationships should be built off of loyalty and this show portrays the opposite. The man is not loyal to one single woman because he is trying to find a significant other. This leads to a fast love with an easy downfall. Not to mention the timeframe only aids in the fast love and easy downfall. Of course there are times when people meet that one person that seems blatantly perfect for them. This can also be referred to as ‘love at first sight’. But love at first sight with that many women is outrageous. Like stated before, showing affection to multiple women at the same time in the hopes of forming a relationship is a form of cheating. The majority of people would agree that cheating is morally wrong. So the question arises, why do people with good morals praise The

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