A Dystopian Effects Of Globalization

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The advancement in the technology enables companies to widen their reach through communicating globally. It allows them to go beyond their boarders and explore transactions to different countries. Communication becomes easier which resulted to better business transactions.

The proliferation of companies choosing to locate call centers in far-reaching (India, Philippines etc.) is just one example of globalization. Globalization is the interaction and integration of people, organization and government from different countries (Globalization101, 2017). This interconnection is aided by information technology. Business Dictionary (2017) added that it involves exchange of capital, goods and services. Thus, it involves three basic dimensions such …show more content…

Topic 3: Effects of Globalization

Zahre points out that there is a Utopian and a Dystopian view on globalization (Miller, K., 2012):

• Utopian view:
Globalization will continue to escalate, transferring technologies, bringing cultures and societies close, and creating a community of peace loving, intelligent citizen. Cooperation and competitiveness are ways to accomplish excellence (Miller, K., 2012). It unites different cultures and demographics together through technology (M O’Shaunessy, 2008).

• Dystopian view:
Conservatives fear that globalization will undermined the integrity of a country’s political and social institutions and may weaken its cultural fabric. Leftists are concerned about the prospect of political, technological and economic dependence. Others are concerned over our growing reliance on technology to address complex social and cultural problems (Miller, K., 2012). In addition to this, according to M O’Shaunessy, globalization is not a good thing as it represents the idea that it can be a strong method of social exclusion (2008).

Dystopian are concern about how the economy will be altered, following more emergence of globalisation influences. They are concern on homogenisation and mass production (M O’Shaunessy, …show more content…

4. Topic 4: Effects of Globalization in Communication

Mong proposes several ways that globalization influences organization communication (Miller, K., 2012):

• Globalization results in time and space compression changing communication patterns and perceptions. Space and time are no longer directly connected.

• Globalization enhances our sense of global consciousness and reflexivity. When we work in an organization that is global, multinational, or multicultural, we must be aware of the cultures of others and of our own attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

• Globalization leads to disembodied organization and people. In a global society behavior and interaction are often lifted from their local context and restructured across time and space.

In addition to these effects there are general patterns to consider in how people view the process and outcomes of globalization.

• Convergence:
It is an approach that emphasizes the need of organizations to adapt their practices to a global marketplace. This approach considers how an organization might adapt its practices to a global system that requires flexibility, responsiveness, speed, knowledge production and dissemination. The goal is to enhance organizational performance in the worldwide marketplace. Convergence theory explains that as national boundaries are eroded in political, technological and business arenas, so too local differences in culture will be eroded with the end result of being one ‘global’ culture (Morell,

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