A Doll's House By Ibsen Essay

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In the begnning of "A Doll's House" by Ibsen, the story opens on the dear wife and mother, Nora Helmer. She was walking home with gifts that she has just boughten for Christmas. When she arrives home her husband, Torvald greets her by saying " Is that my skylark", she answers him very happily. Soon after arriving home she tells Torvald about all of the things she has boughten for him and her three children, she is very excited about the money she just spent on the presents. Someone once said that "Money is the root of all evil", in most cases it isn't but a simple loan from a man named Krogstad became the undoing of the Helmer family. Nora was trying to do a good deed by helping her husband and borrowing money but in the end, ended up leaving and running away in fear of corrupring her children. Nora Helmer tought that she was doing the honorable thing but she failed by runing. Was this the behavior of a good mother? Good mothers don't leave their family behind and they …show more content…

This is a holiday that most people are accustomed to getting many gifts and in this household it is no acception. Torvald has been promoted and given a raise after the new year, this make Nora want to get more money and spend it sense its the holidays. Nora brags about the gifts she gets because she gets them cheap, its almost like a game to find the best things at the lowest prices. As a mother she thinks she should get everything for her babies. During the play you realize that Mrs. Helmer is more fond of the thougt of her lovely children instead of actually taking care of them herself. When you hear of the three little ones you hear that there with there nurse, this isn't necessarily a bad thing pleanty of busy parents use a nanny to get there kids form school and watch them form time to time but always leaving them and not taking care of them like a good

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