A Cultural Criticism Of Ready Player One By Ernest Cline

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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is a novel set in the year 2045 where almost everyone engages in a virtual reality called the OASIS. Cline’s novel published in 2011 can be compared to The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins and the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. Collins’ first book was published in 2008 and Roth’s published in 2011. These three novels written and published during the same time period share many similar ideas and concerns of our culture. The appalling future society, the budding romance, the teenage protagonist are all found in novels like Cline’s. A Cultural Criticism of Ready Player One examines the similarities it shares with other dystopian novels of the twenty-first century and possibilities as to why the genre has been thriving. …show more content…

The cause of Collins’ world is unknown, but the savage competitions, the Hunger Games, are the outcome of war as is the world of Divergent. Our culture has influenced these novels in that which they reflect the state our society is experiencing. We are constantly being reminded of the environmental impact we are causing with global warming resulting in climate change and the supply of nonrenewable resources shrinking every day. These books have morphed the fears of society into a possible prediction of our future. Another worry of our culture is that the world will be wrecked for our children and future generations, like exhibited in the novels. The age of the main characters place them on the edge of adulthood and having grown up in these dystopian worlds makes them an embodiment of the somber outlook we have for the future

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