A Conductor's Relationship With The Orchestra

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“What are the primary aspects of the relationship between conductor and orchestra? How can a conductor’s gestures, words, and personality affect an orchestra positively and negatively?”

To bestow the role of a conductor on to a musician presents a series of both physical and mental challenges. Throughout the years, there have been numerous studies based around the psychological effects of orchestral performance, of which the majority have been based around the perception of the conductor through a player’s eyes. It has become evident that elements of a conductor’s personality can greatly affect all the members within an orchestra, whether directly or indirectly. In this paper, I will examine fundamental elements of a conductor’s relationship …show more content…

During a rehearsal of the second movement of Beethoven’s second symphony (10/01/2018), the conductor exhibited controlled and fluid gestures, which made a warm, gentle sound to complement the context of the piece – coupled with a smile directed at the players. During the first run through of bars 16-22, the conductor had constantly chosen to keep the lead up to the szforzando in the strings as piano, and after the rest of the phrase was completed, the conductor stopped. The leader of the violas suggested trying a gradual crescendo to see if it would make musical sense, and give a more gradual phrase than forcing the dynamics to be too loud too quickly, like on the score. The conductor was open to this suggestion, so the ensemble tried b.16-22 again, and the conductor preferred the viola player’s suggestion to their original intentions – and thus credited the player in front of the orchestra. This shows that an open personality allows players to contribute suggestions, and with positive feedback the orchestra can continue to develop a more fruitful relationship with the conductor. In his guide to being a good conductor in rehearsal, Charles Barber agrees with this

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