A Comparison Of The Movie Groundhog Day And Jean-Paul Sartre

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In my discussion, I am going to write about one of the most impact full movie and philosopher back in their times of the 19th century. The movie was groundhog day and the philosopher was Jean-Paul Sartre . My main point will be to write about the concept of freedom that both of them having it in common. But, the meaning of freedom in the movie is different than in the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre , since they interpret it in different ways. Such as, the meaning of freedom for Sartre is when a man is condemned to be, free. In another hand, in the movie , the meaning of freedom define as when Phil try to become the best he can be by becoming a responsible person such as helping people around him without getting anything back from them. …show more content…

As well, he defined freedom as we are free to make our own choices, but we are condemned to always bear the responsibility of the consequences of these choices. We are in this world helpless, without any creator who forced us to make our own choices and to bear their consequences. Sartre also claims that as an individual we are not free to be free since we are condemned to be free. Sartre claims that God is dead and there is no one who none command us. Sartre affirmed that all the way of life , we should find significance in our being . We are responsible for our own lives and the way we live it does define who we are. Sartre uses the main idea of existentialism as "existence precedes essence," he says that we have the choice in everything we do. Our "essence" is not something that is established before us, we should it by ourselves. His philosophy is that human beings exist first, and then can own a freedom that he decided who he wants to become.
Eventually, the famous movie of groundhog day and the popular philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre were all time favorite of people at their period of age. In another word, they completely change the thinking of people toward their unique message and philosophy about the concept of freedom in human beings lives. But, their significance regard freedom was not the same as each of them. As in the movie, it appears that we

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