A Comparison Of The Epic Of Beowulf

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In reading the epic poem, Beowulf, we read about his many battles and the famous warrior that he was. Our first reading was of his battle with Grendel and how Beowulf triumphed. Second, we read about how he turned an almost certain defeat into a victory of the battle with Grendel’s mother. Last we read of Beowulf’s ultimate death and his battle against the dragon.
There are some similarities of these battles, the question is what is similar about them? They all seem to be completely different. Some similarities are during the first two battles. In the first two battles Beowulf is dealing with Grendel in some way or another. The first battle he fought the treacherous Grendel. In Beowulf’s second battle he fought Grendel’s mother. In doing …show more content…

This is where he goes to battle Grendal’s mother. During this second battle Grendal’s mother is close to claiming a victory against Beowulf. But in the end Beowulf was able to defeat her after regaining his strength. The difference here again in the second battle is Beowulf is still filled with anger after killing Grendal’s mother, that he searches the great battle hall to find Grendal again. But he soon discovers Grendal is dead in a corner. He takes the sword that he used to kill Grendal’s mother and chops of his head.
Finally, in the third battle, Beowulf battles the dragon. This battle’s difference is Beowulf is unsuccessful in battling the dragon. He is defeated by the dragon and is fatally wounded and dies. He was deserted by his comrades and he had to fight the dragon alone. One other difference in this battle is Beowulf is older than the other two battles and he is the king of the Geats. Beowulf was a great warrior, to people all over the world, not just by his men. He fought his hardest up to his final days where his hardest just wasn’t good enough. Although, each battle was fought hard, each one had it’s own story and personality. Each battle also had a connection to the other in some form or another. If we can take away any knowledge from this story, we could say that these battles are similar in the fact that it will always be good versus evil and sadly good doesn’t always

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