A Comparison Of Making Sarah Cry And Don T Give Up The Fight

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Both “Making Sarah Cry” and “Don’t Give Up The Fight” have the similar theme of courage. In “Making Sarah Cry” Sarah uses courage to stand up to the people that bullied her and stop them from bullying a person that bullied her. In “Don’t Give Up The Fight” it shows courage by Ava staying on the team even though she was the only girl on the track team and was bullied for that. But the theme is shown differently in both the poem and in the story. The mood is different in both. The mood of “Making Sarah Cry” is a sad mood while “Don’t Give Up The Fight” has a more angry mood. The theme for “Don’t Give Up The Fight” is courage. For example in “Don’t Give Up The Fight” it shows courage at the end of the story mostly because, Ava and her friend Lindsay stand up to Ava’s coach, coach McCoy. This usually would take a lot of courage from anyone. She also was the only girl on the team and was bullied for that but, she still stayed on the team. This would take a lot of courage because, standing up to bullies is one of the hardest things to do. Especially as a kid. It is scary to be bullied, but Ava used courage and stood up to the bullies by staying on the track team. …show more content…

For example, a boy that bullied Sarah is being bullied so Sarah stands up for him. If you stand up to bully you might get an even bigger chance of being bullied. So it must've been very hard standing up for someone that bullied her. Even though the boy bullied her she knew what the right thing to do was and stood up for him. The boy should not have been bullied in the first place. The boy was bullied because, he looked different (he was hit by a

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