A Comparison Of Homeschooling Vs. Public Schools

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Homeschooling vs. public schooling is seen by many as a hot debate in the recent few years. The debate, for some people, is very hot that you only have to type homeschooling on Google search engine to find results of people accusing each others of being “inhuman” from both parties. However, rational debators in both parties claim that their way of educating is more beneficial for children in social, pyscological, and academic way. This makes it harder for parents to choose what is best for their childern. This essay is written to show the reader why, after all, the ancient method of homeschooling is better for you and your children. First of all, it is critical to realize that schools are merely a way of educating the youth, yet schools are not the only way, and there is no soild evidence to prove that schools are better than other methods. In fact, when compated to homeschooling, it is quite the opposite. After the study of Eric Rudner was rejected due to sample issues such as self-selection and socioeconmical differences, Dr. Sandra Martin-Chang, researcher in …show more content…

However, one should be fair in that negative aspects of public schools are seen because they have been running for a long period of time on a very wide range. Perhaps the negative aspects of homeschooling will become more clear with the time. In addition, the writer of this article is supporter of homeschooling, and as he mentioned in the beginning of the article “rational debators in both parties claim that their way of educating is more beneficial for children in social, pyscological, and academic way.” In addition, other factors play a role in making the descision beside the benefits of each type of schools. These factors include the educational background, financial status, and well being of the parents of the student. Moreover, it might be wise to consult the student him or herself which type of schools would he or she prefer and

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