A Comparison Of Elizabeth Cady Stanton And Martin Luther King's Speech

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Over the centuries, society’s had influential speakers who have incited change for the better. These speakers had the same ambition to sway the public masses to believe in their cause, but how they delivered their message and the action they took is where they differ. Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Keynote Address to the Seneca Falls Convention on July 19, 1848 and Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on August 28, 1963 were impactful speeches on the public masses during their era; however, they both had similar goals of achieving rights for their respected groups, there were key differences in the way they went about seeking change. Stanton’s Address was in the nineteenth century, before woman had the right to vote, but the white women had …show more content…

Stanton’s speech was a key persuasive component of getting women rights; her speech effected the world today because she started the women’s rights movement. Davis stated Stanton, “was the driving force behind the Seneca Falls Convention—the meeting that launched the woman 's rights movement in 1848”; without the woman’s right movement, women wouldn 't be where they are in society (Davis 39). Although Staton didn’t greatly impact her era, Davis believed Stanton created “a much improved future populated by humans who had developed to the point where they could transcend the injustices and inequalities of the nineteenth century” (Davis 217). King was a key figure in the Civil Rights Movement, his impact on the world is unsurpassed; without him, segregation could still exist. According to Echols, King “boldly and clearly announced the charge that the Civil Rights Movement had leveled against the United States” (Echols 2). Since King 's assassination, Echols expressed King’s “words and deeds have passed from history into the domain of myth and legend. His words have gained immortality and are constantly quoted as moral authority for numerous causes” (Echols 9). King’s words are relevant today, society aims to live in the vision King intended. Stanton’s speech impacted the generations to come by kicking off the Women’s Right Movement, comparatively King saw the near end of segregation in his life

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