A Comparison Of Edgar Allen Poe And Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne both had a passion for writing about the dark sides to human behavior. While they shared that common interest, they also had different ways of presenting their scary tales. Were there any similarities’ in their youth that could contribute to the same love for the tales that haunt people? Did their difference in style and techniques really matter? Can a scary story really be that different depending on the way it is told?
Edgar Allen Poe was born in 1809. His parents were actors his mother ended up raising her three children alone after their father left them. His mother later died leaving the children behind. Poe was raised in the home of well to do merchant named John Allen. Allen and Poe were not very close in fact; John Allen never adopted Poe as a child. The death of his mother and the life lived with an emotionally detached caregiver led to the events that turned Poe into one of the most psychological writers of the times. Poe developed the love for writing and his style was a little different for most writers in that time. Poe enjoyed writing about horrors and things that go bump in the night. The kinds of tales that make the hair stand on a person’s neck and arms. Most of his writings always included death, murders and mysteries that went beyond anyone’s wildest imaginations.
Poe wrote many mystery’s and the subject he seemed most intrigue to write about was death and the death of women was a subject Poe would call “The most poetical topic in the world” (Van Doren 191). Edgar Allen Poe’s writes his stories in a way, which makes them much more...

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...ing, morally unpleasant but captivating at the same time. Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne were two of the most influential writers and made people think outside the box. They influenced many of the writers we get our thrills from today. Only difference is in that era tales like Hawthorne’s and Poe’s one could only dream about and in today’s society, it is everyday news.
These two men had an imagination before their times. Hawthorne and Poe’s love for writing tales that will raise hair on a reader’s body, make the reader question every detail and moral fiber within their being. That is what makes these two men great at what they loved to do. While they both had differences that set them apart, they also had similarities’ that brought them together and they each created master pieces that will last lifetimes to be read and enjoyed by many generations to come.

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