A Cold Blooded Killer Research Paper

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Imagine a cold blooded killer, slowly walking towards an innocent civilian with a bloodied knife. The blade gleams up until the point of where the blood has stained it. He runs, eyes tearing up with terror, but it’s no use. He’s backed up against a wall. He turns around and sees the murderer in front of him, knife raised high above his head, ready to strike down upon the man. The man cowers, wincing while knowing that this is where his life ends; at the hands of a murderer. Now think about this: What could have happened to a living person to become like this? What cruel and unfortunate events must have happened for someone to turn to death for a solution? There are many factors involved in the making of a killer. Problems like childhood events, societal issues, genetic complications, emotional difficulties, and peer pressure can influence a person greatly and can unlock a cold hearted murderer. The way murderers and normal people act today is heavily influenced by the way they grew up. The people who influence them the most is their caregivers. Most killers seem to have been influenced by a poor family life, kept by poor caregivers. Take account that 45% of mothers and 68% of fathers of killers have come across alcoholism, emotional distress, and were unable to control their own behavior, let alone their child. …show more content…

What happens is that murderers will be abused in their early age, causing feelings such as humiliation and helplessness.This will make that person feel like they need to instill those very emotions and pass them onto their victims. (crimemuseum.org) Scientists have gathered family information from many serial killers, suicide victims, and others offenders and compared them. They found that most of their parents argued non-stop, were unemployed and alcoholic. They also found that the children suffered from both physical and mental abuse (Cahill and Russ 236). These, along with other factors, are some of the early signs of a potential

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