A Class Divide Has Been Plaguing Our Society

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Class divide is a problem that has been plaguing our society since the beginning of time itself. Class divide is associated with the common belief that rich people are more important than those of a lower social category. Although not necessarily true and factual, this statement seems to be implanted into the heads of most people alive today. In this essay, I will be giving you comparisons in the socio-economic divide in history (Victorian era) and differentiate certain situations with 21st-century affairs that prove that the division of social ranks is still, sadly, a crucial part of out world as we know it. The Victorian era spanned from 1837 to 1901, where even the idea of social hierarchy was a major part of the way England functioned …show more content…

Those belonging to a higher class to you are seemingly likely to discriminate against you and the ways of your class due to your role in society. The class that takes the most criticism is most likely the 'Under Class'. Back in the Victorian ages, the 'underclass' was made up of prostitutes and those who depended on others, much like in today's society, where those considered the 'underclass' depend on benefits or money from the government. Typical members of this class in today's civilization may have long-term unemployment and live in council housing, as well as survive simply from the cash that is only made available from benefits. Children and teenagers of the underclass are generally associated with the 'chav' culture. Meanwhile, it is said that for years, decades, and even centuries, those of a higher class with a stronger power about them have had a sense of supremacy against those belonging to lower positions in the socio-economic division scheme. Many people with a high class are often rumoured to have stated they do not wish to congregate with those poorer and less fortunate than …show more content…

It's simple, it is impossible to have a society without the social structure and classes we've had since the beginning of civilised life forms. Somebody or something needs to lead to keep everything running smoothly, if nobody was in charge of the country, there would be absolute anarchy and disorder, and of course people need to follow. People look up to those of a higher class because they seem to set the rules that keep the rest of us abiding the law and keeping our country

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