A Career In Biomedical Engineering

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Biomedical Engineering Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles towards the medical and healthcare field. Biomedical engineers work in hospitals, universities, and research centers and generally design devices that are utilized towards improving human health. After earning my bachelor degree in biomedical engineering, I plan to pursue medical school and specialize in cardiology shortly after. Majoring in Biomedical Engineering will allow to approach and understand how the human body works from a different perspective. I will learn and practice numerous problem-solving techniques and will be forced to think analytically, all of which are skills that all doctors should possess. In addition to that, as a person who is in the medical field and who also has the skills of an engineer, I will be able to use my expertise to design, advance, and improve machinery that I will be using daily. Biomedical …show more content…

It will challenge me to utilize my basic knowledge of chemistry, physics, and mechanics toward solving difficult problems that affect people, directly and indirectly, every day. In addition to that, a chemical engineering degree will prepare me for the rigorous science courses I will be taking in medical school. Taking at least two to three science courses each semester will force me to be more mindful of my time and also develop my ability to learn multiple subjects at the same time. Chemical engineering also includes some of the required courses for medical school admission, which makes it suitable for my long-term goal of becoming a doctor. Overall, chemical engineering a major that offers a wide variety of options and opportunities and is suitable for me in the sense that is will allow me to learn many valuable skills that I will be bound to utilize later in my professional

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