A Beautiful Mind Schizophrenia

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A Beautiful Mind is a movie based on a mathematician, Josh Nash, and his life with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder which affects the coherence of one’s personality due to emotional instability and detachment from reality. The story begins before Nash realized he had disease and progresses where he and his wife, Alicia, finding a way to manage his condition. The movie provides a lot of information and insight into the psychological condition of schizophrenia including information on the symptoms, the treatment and cures, and the life for the affected individual and family. The movie is effective at demonstrating the various concepts related to schizophrenia and provides an insight into the disease of schizophrenia.
Throughout the movie, Nash displays many of the key symptoms of schizophrenia. A prime exemplar of this is when Alicia tries to seek treatment for her husband. She had communication issues with Nash since he was not able to speak properly. An inability to communicate is one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia, which takes its toll on interpersonal relationships and intimacy. Leading from that, Nash also experiences these symptoms: hallucinations (he has a roommate but he lives in a single dorm room), delusions (he thinks he work for the government), ideas of …show more content…

It creates a very realistic perception for viewers on how the hallucinations of the person can be very real. It also shows how the disease can affect everyone around the affected individual. The behaviors of John Nash were very diverse depending on environments and situations he faced. At times, he seemed like a very normal and intelligent person while he was breaking codes and studying. At other times, he seemed very paranoid and definitely showed signs of a mental

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