5 Pillars Of Islam Research Paper

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The five pillars of Islam are five acts in Islam, considered mandatory by believers and are the foundation of Muslim life. The first pillar is the Shahada, it is a short prayer proclaiming and trusting the oneness of god and faith in Islam. The second pillar is the salat which says you must pray five times a day, at the sunset, in the evening, at dawn and noon, and in the afternoon, you must be in different positions to pray in varying what time your prayer is. The third pillar is zakat otherwise known as almsgiving , the third basic act that states the Muslims are expected to give to the poor and sick; It is a quality of a honest muslim, a gateway into heaven. The fourth pillar: Sawn, requires the Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan, …show more content…

The prayer they would have to do five times a day used to require them to pray facing Jerusalem in recognition of Abraham’s religion. Muhammad did not require the Muslims to give away their belongings but for them to set aside a portion of their wealth to the poor, during the month of Ramadan the fast was odd but to focus on humility, spiritual oneness with god , traditional Muslims even fasted to fix and get cleansed from a sin one may had made. When making the pilgrimage it also includes going to mouth Arafat sixteen miles outside in recollection of the meeting of god and adam, also including throwing stones at three pillars in mina, three miles east of the city… this represents the stoning of the devil, or in Islamic faith; the “shatain” as hes known in Arabia. The pillars origins are from the qur’an but are discussed in the hadith and by Muhammad, In islam a declaration of your faith isn’t enough, only when your practice of the faith is consistent and you are loyal to it then you will be a true muslim, Islam sees everything they do as ana act of worship to there god and the mecca , the spiritual center of there Muslim world. There are different forms of the pillars , the Shiites are a group of the Islamic community and they tweak the pillars and acts a little as the add two or three more acts to the guidelines for there people to follow and go

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