5 Pillars Of Islam Research Paper

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Religion can be a very tricky subject to understand. There are many different religions in the world today. In addition to the many different religions, some of these religions have many different subgroups. There are people who spend their whole lives trying to wrap their head around religion and the idea of worshiping someone who cannot be seen. The purpose of this paper is to explore the Five Pillars of Islam so that we can have a better understanding of this religion that western culture doesn’t really understand all too well.
Islam is the religion practiced by Muslims. They follow the teaching of the prophet Muhammad. Contrary to some beliefs, Islam is a monotheistic religion. Muslims take their religious practices very seriously. So …show more content…

The confession of faith is one simple sentence. It says “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is His Prophet.” The first part of this sentence sates that Islam is a monotheistic religion. They only believe in God. The do not believe that God had a son or that he had a partner. Muslims think that by giving God a son, this makes him human like. That is not the case. Muslims believe that God is too powerful to have any kind of human-like qualities. However they do acknowledge that Jesus did exist. Instead of him being the son of God, like in Christianity, they believe that he was a prophet. The second part of the sentence confirms that Muslims have great faith in the authenticity of the book that Muhammad wrote. Once during their lifetime a Muslim must confess their faith. They must say the conformation of faith correctly, slowly, thoughtfully, out loud, with full understanding, and heartfelt conviction. (Smith 244) Muslims tend to say the first part of the affirmation of faith whenever they are in a crisis and when they are overwhelmed. The statement “There is no god but God,” is the ultimate answer to all questions. The testimony of faith is the most important pillar of Islam. Muslims must be able to spread the word of Allah and the works of Muhammad to anyone thinking about converting to …show more content…

In life there are always going to be people that have more than another group of people. Instead of trying to figure out a way to fix this problem, Muslims focus on taking the burden off of those less fortunate. The Koran states that there should be a tax of 2 ½ % on the people who are in the upper and middle class. There is a limitation on who shall receive benefits from said tax. People who benefit from this are those in immediate need, slaves in the process of buying their freedom, debtors unable to meet their obligations, strangers, and those who collect and distribute the

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